When it comes to body fat, men and women face different challenges due to hormonal differences, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle factors. While men often struggle with stubborn fat in areas like the abdomen and chest, women commonly encounter difficulties shedding fat in the hips, thighs, and lower abdomen. These variations are influenced by biological factors such as testosterone and estrogen levels, as well as individual habits and stress management.
This infographic breaks down the key differences in how body fat is stored in men and women and provides targeted strategies to tackle these problem areas. From exercise routines and dietary adjustments to medical solutions like hormone therapy and aesthetic treatments, it offers practical guidance tailored to each gender. Whether you’re looking to better understand your body or explore effective ways to achieve your fitness goals, this guide delivers actionable insights to help you overcome the dilemma of stubborn body fat.
Infographic provided by Young Medical Spa, a top cellulite reduction spa